
SG-1 The Eye of Ra

Giza, 1928. Catherine Langford keeps the necklace she found as a child during her father's archaeological dig.

This is one of those pieces that you can add to your off-world outfit if you want that extra touch of detail. (Or if you're a giant nerd and have to have the necklace because you can)

The necklace eventually reaches the hands of Daniel Jackson.
I got mine as a gift so I don't know the exact details. But it was from ebay.com for around $150. It's solid metal but not heavy, and has metal ringlets around the entire length. There are also turquoise and dark brown beads. Not sure what the cord is, maybe leather?

They are somewhat rare at this point but you might be able to find one somewhere. Here's a few sites that might help:
stitchsloft.com has a ton of cool props/pieces for your outfit but may be too expensive- their pendant is going for $225
Some people are making their own! http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=164621

I wish I could be of more help in this matter!

We also see the Eye of Ra with, well...Ra.



SG-1 VEST Modifications

 As stated in a previous post, if you are a little picky like me, you can modify your vest to look like the ones used on the show. http://www.scifihero.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6310 This is TeeKay's walk-through that I followed to modify my vest and she explains the steps in detail. Very well done. The only thing I did differently was buy the SGA Webtex Assault vest: http://www.ironfoot.co.uk/shop/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product (now on sale!) And that is so I can use the same single back piece for both SG-1 and SGA vests.

I was going to do a walk-through on the steps to modifying but TeeKay did it so well I don't have much to add. So here are a few of my pictures during the process to (hopefully) help!

~Atlantis vest on the left, SG-1 on the right after straps were removed from the sides and center~

 ~Side by side comparison of where the front and back will attach, before grommets are inserted~

~Grommets (both pieces) are spray painted black before inserting, size #00 3/16"
You also need the grommet setter also from Tandy. Make sure to get the same size as the grommets!
P.S. Tandy Leather Factory is awesome.

~After grommets~
 ~Black velcro fro the backs of the new straps that go over the shoulder to the back piece, got this at Michael's~

~Black canvas bag for the straps themselves (because it was the closest material similar to the straps I could find) at Michael's~

~Lots of sewing- velcro to the back, straps with clips to the front (after being sewn on, the clip stops just before the velcro begins)~

~Sewing the ends together~
~Don't throw them away, use them for the strap!~
~Mission accomplished!~
This was one of the earlier episodes before they changed the buckles on the shoulder straps or added the Air Force patch.
