
Ashley Hammond (Yellow Space Ranger) Walk-Through Part 2

Ashley Hammond Costume Part 2

Jacket Modifications:

The jackets are cropped so that the bottom edge sits right at the belt or right around the natural waistline. This was tricky figuring out how to do it as I've never cropped clothing before, but with a couple trials and re-pinning I finally got the placement I wanted.

First, I took my grey BDU shirt and took off the two front pockets by carefully unstitching them (no cutting). 
Next, I folded under the two front panels- left and right sides of the opening near the buttons that go down the front, and pinned them. I also folded under the front parts of the collar that have the button and hole on them. I had to pin and re-pin A LOT as I worked to fold the bottom portion under as well to get the cropped look. I didn't actually make any cuts, I just folded everything into place and had to adjust and re-adjust many times to get all the parts where I wanted them to be.

With the pins in and having already put it on to make sure it would fit right, I sewed down the front two panels to start.

The collar was tricky. I folded just to make sure it sat flat and still 'flowed' with the two front panels (nothing pulling too much on each other or bunching up). I didn't make any cuts, just folded it over itself and brought it even with the outside/bottom edge of the collar.

The backside just got folded upwards over on itself and lined up with the edge of the panel going down.

On both sides. Just left the button on and sewed around it.

Next, I sewed up the front panels again, but this time going up the other side of the part that was folded under, so that both sides on each panel would be sewed in place. And I continued to sew up to the collar ^ to get the inside down, and met at the bottom of the collar on the outside>

Little confusing but I hope the pictures help. As always, questions are welcome.

The jackets for the guys had a bit more length at the bottom than the girls. I got it as close as I could and pinned everything before sewing.

Mine is slightly different but I liked it anyway. I lined up the two vertical seam lines on the back sides so that the material wouldn't bunch up at any point as it goes around the back. If you feel more comfortable cutting and then hemming, then go for it! This was easier for me.

Make sure this^ panel that goes around is able to lift up and is only sewn at the top. I sewed it together all the way around the back.

I left the cuffs of the sleeves alone as well as the tops of the shoulders (not sure the name) because it just looked more 'military/space ship' to me.

Next, we have the PATCHES!

Again, I got mine from BrandNewLoveSong on Etsy.

The top rectangle with each of the colors over the sun, and the pyramid with the lightning bolt go on the left side (if you're wearing it). Some pictures are flipped so I had to make sure I was putting it on the correct side of the shirt. The planet with the moon and white background (right^) goes on the right side. The blue and red circle patch goes on the right shoulder. And the big yellow rectangle goes on the back.

First, I positioned the patches where they were supposed to go on the shirt and pinned them. At the same time, I also positioned the buckles where they would be sewn on because it helped get everything in the right place and plus I'm picky.
(Also, BUCKLES:) ---Make sure to cut off the black leather from them (just 3 sets because I kept the leather on the rest of them for the boots...)

Once I had the position of everything along with the buckles, I pinned the patches, took off the buckles for now and sewed on the patches to the front. The planet with red moon is about 1 1/2" from the edge, the five colors against the sun on the top right is about 1 1/4" from the edge, and the pyramid with lightning bolt is about 2 1/4" from the edge, or centered below the one above it.

And what it looks like on the underside. I used white thread for the one on the left, black thread for the two on the right.

After those three front patches were on, I sewed on the buckles. I looked at a bunch of screen shots to get them positioned with the patches correctly. I used grey thread to match the shirt.

For the red and blue circular patch on the right shoulder, I used black thread, and centered it 2" below the top seam of the shoulder. Make sure the red color is on the top and bottom!

For the back yellow rectangle patch, I would've liked for it to be bigger but, as I couldn't find it anywhere else, I was actually fine with it.

I centered mine about 4 1/2" below the bottom seam of the collar. Pin and sew. I used black thread and just stayed on the black border.

(You can also see the back part of the hemming/cropping in this pic)

Finally, the buckles on the boots. I did something a little different than what they actually look like not he show. I'm still not sure if I like it but either way this is how I did it.

I took eight pairs of buckles (four for each boot) and left the leather on. I sewed on some elastic and extra black canvas-like material so that they would kind of strap on to the boots. I folded the elastic in half and sewed it again so it would fit in the grooves on the bottom of the boots.

I think this buckle was the only one that had the canvas material. I wanted to keep the leather on because I liked the look of it. Reminded me of steampunk, but, I might still re-do it and take it off.

The buckles themselves, I just used the shoelaces and laced them in place up the boot. The elastic and canvas was to keep the leather down against the sides.

So they're removable, maybe that's what I was going for? Idk but this is how it turned out.

I'll leave them on for now but, honestly, you can cut off the leather from the buckles and lace just the buckles up the boot. I'm not sure how I did it- what pattern I used, I just messed with it a lot and finally settled on something. If I were to take the leather and elastic and canvas off and just have the buckles on the boots, I'd probably still lace them on with the shoelaces.

Hmm...I think part of why is because, when connected, the buckles don't quite sit flat on the front of the boot and this way they stay on and don't move? You want to be able to open and close the buckles  to get your foot out. It's probably my choice of boot. If you can find a pair of boots that are easy to sew onto and fit well when closed and laced and buckled, that might be the way to go.

So that's it!
I also got an Astro Blaster for a little more detail from eBay. Hard to find these days...

I hope this helped with the making of your outfit. Or maybe this was just entertaining. Either way, thanks for reading!



Ashley Hammond (Yellow Space Ranger) Walk-Through Part 1

This is Part 1 of the walk-through for Ashley Hammond, also known as the Yellow Ranger from Power Rangers in Space!

This one was an outfit that I had wanted to do for a long time because my brother and I would watch this show and pretend we were power rangers. Like all other kids our age. We had started with In Space and seen Lost Galaxy but since then, I've gone back and watched all the seasons through Lost Galaxy.
This outfit was fairly simple- not many pieces, just a few things to figure out in terms of what material and where to get it. So first we'll start with the yellow top.

At first I had just gotten a regular long sleeve turtleneck shirt, which would've worked just fine, but I wasn't quite satisfied with it. So after looking around a lot I finally decided on an Under Armor fitted long sleeve heat gear shirt. I actually found it at one of those thrift stores so I have no idea where it could be found now. (Can't find it on Under Armor's site)
It has a zipper down the front (which, on the show it doesn't) however, it was not as thick as the turtleneck and seemed more like something you'd wear on a space ship. 

So not exactly the same but I like it. If I really wanted to hide the zipper, I could always put it on backwards...

Next is the jacket and pants.

Again, at first I went with a sort of dress suit with pants and matching jacket, but buying new was way too expensive and trying to match at thrift stores didn't work. So I ended up going with my old friend, the military store: propper.com (There's more places to get them from.)
I've already bought items for Carter, Starbuck, and Jill from here (probably because they're all military or space- based outfits so it just makes sense). The material is tougher and, once again, looks more like something you'd wear on a space ship. It just worked out better. Plus the top and bottom matched.

Two pockets instead of four because it'll need cropping. Modifications will be on a following post.

I went with the button fly and poly/cotton ripstop because that's the same I got for Carter and Starbuck and it's comfortable.

The boots I also got in-store at my local military place a while ago and decided to use them for this. this is what they look like but can't remember how much they were. About 10" high, all black. I believe the name for them is 'Jungle Boot'.

Modifications on these will also be in another post. Which bring me to...


Do you know how long I had been looking for these?! You would think they would be easy to find but NO. I don't know the correct name for these buckles and so I searched far and wide and high and low and typed in all related or relative names I could think to find these and finally found them.

This show is from the 90's so it was hard to find very clear screen caps but even from these, unless you're a buckle expert, I don't know what to call them. I believe the word I used was clasp when I finally found them on Amazon. What a day that was. I was so happy I even screen shot it. So here you go, for those of you also looking for them: BUCKLEZZZ

Now, I know they're not silver. That I can't help you with. Perhaps paint? Or silver sharpie? I just left mine this color because I liked the look of it better. In the show they wear three sets on the front of their jackets and four sets on each of their boots. If you're not picky you can get a different buckle that works for you. I'll do another post on how I put them on the jacket and boots.

So moving on to the patches. Yet another thing I was searching for for a while. No one seemed to make them. Makes sense, because this show is old. But I did find them through an artist on Etsy. This is their shop. (Thanks!) Be sure to select the right color for your outfit. I also searched on scifigeeks.com but couldn't find them there.

They were the perfect color and size (the yellow triangle that goes on their back is a bit bigger on the show but I didn't care too much, I was just happy to find them! Trying to be a little less picky) And they went really well with the BDU shirt and pants.
(Different post on sewing them on.)

The belt was the belt that came with the pants that I ordered for Jill. Good to reuse stuff. It's just a simple black nylon military belt. Any will do really but I made sure it fit the buckle:

I already knew where to get the buckle because I'd seen it before- Tandy Leather Factory 

For this I measured about where the belt would fit and put a hole with a grommet for the metal part that pokes out, and sewed one end of the belt onto the other metal bar. There's other places to get it and different blank ones, too.
Also, it's subtle, but each of the rangers has a colored dot in the top right (if you're looking straight at it) corner. Still have to put that on mine actually. I'll probably just paint it.

Finally, we have one of the most important details! The Morpher! This is what they use to transform into their alternate uniforms to fight evil bad guys. I got mine from eBay because they just can't be found these days. Little expensive because...they just can't be found these days. But, worth it.

If you really want to go into extra detail, you can get yellow barrettes for the hair from almost anywhere. I got mine at a Walmart. You could also do a yellow headband or ponytail etc., or nothing.

So there you have it! I will do another post on the modifications etc. Thanks for reading and-

Let's Rocket!
